Svend has 16 children. Gitte is mother to the four youngest but now the two of them are getting a divorce after a very turbulent, 28 year long marriage. The divorce collides with their youngest daughter Christina's decision to move out. This drastic change in the family gives rise to a series of questions - especially for Christina, who finds that when it comes to her childhood, her family seems to suffer from a rare form of collective memory lapse. And especially when it comes to the forced removal of her and her siblings, one of the most unjust actions, they were ever subjected to. Now Christina is determined to find out about the past, and Svend decides to help his daughter - also in an attempt to help his own memories come back. He requests full right of access to municipality files on his family and one day he and Christina receive a box full of secrets that were either forgotten over time or lost, somehow, in a haze of booze and drugs.
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