Bølle Bob is Solby's town brat, a natural-born troublemaker, though his heart is solid gold. One day he goes too far, wrecking the opening of the new one-room hotel. Too bad that his secret love is the hotel owner's daughter. In the background a TV crew is setting up for 'Show Me Your Town', the local school is preparing for a play which will hopefully raise the money for a student trip to the capital, and Smukke Sally, the lead in the play, is dreaming of skyrocketing to stardom, all while Bølle Bob must hustle to save the hotel, win his sweetheart, and make the school play a smash hit.
Palads, Albertslund Biograferne, Reprise Teatret, Drive In Bio, Gladsaxe Bio, BioCity (Tåstrup), Baltoppen Bio 1-2, Gentofte Kino, Bio Værløse, CinemaxX, Kinopalæet (Lyngby) samt 52 biografer i provinsen
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