The Earth is not the immovable centre of the world but a planet in orbit around the sun: this was the claim made by the astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus in 1543. To the Christian church this was a heresy that contravened the Word of God. For centuries to come great scientists like Tycho Brahe, Kepler, Galileo and Newton doggedly pursued the notion of a moving earth, and from this epoch-making process there emerged not only a new view of the world but the modern natural sciences.
Park Bio Turné: 10. marts 2009 København: Cinemateket, 12. marts 2009 Ålborg: Biffen/Hovedbiblioteket, 16. marts 2009 Odense: Cafe Biografen, 17. marts 2009 Århus: Øst for Paradis, 31. marts 2009 og 1. april 2009 Århus: offentlige foredrag
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