
Die grosse Stille

Philip Gröning, Germany, 2005

169 min.Documentary

Basic information Credits Materials
Original title Die grosse Stille
Danish title Den store stilhed
Keywords Grand Chartreuse, Karteuser Order, The, Monasteries, Monks, Religion
Director Philip Gröning
Screenplay Philip Gröning
Director of Photography Philip Gröning
Editor Philip Gröning
Production country Germany, Switzerland, France
Domestic distribution Sunrise Film Distribution
Technical info 1,85:1 - Widescreen, Dolby digital stereo
Danish theatrical release 04.04.2007
Cinemas Gloria
Find more Variety, CD:5 (Sept 19, 2005)
Danish rating Allowed for children over the age of 15
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Production company Philip Gröning Film
Domestic distribution Sunrise Film Distribution


Direction Philip Gröning


Script Philip Gröning


Production Philip Gröning
Production Michael Weber
Production Andres Pfaffli
Production Elda Guidinetti


Cinematography Philip Gröning


Editing Philip Gröning

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Reviews and articles

On the library you can find these articles and revies and other material about the film.
Type Source Author Date
Anmeldelse Berlingske Tidende Ann Lind Andersen 2007-04-04
Anmeldelse Information Kristen Bjoernkjaer 2007-04-04
Anmeldelse Information Kristen Bjoernkjaer 2007-04-04
Anmeldelse Kristeligt Dagblad Palle Schantz Lauridsen 2007-04-04
Anmeldelse Metroexpress Frederik A. Vandrup 2007-04-04
Anmeldelse Morgenavisen Jyllandsposten Jakob Levinsen 2007-04-04
Anmeldelse Politiken-Fonden Dorte Hygum Soerensen 2007-04-04
Anmeldelse Politiken-Fonden Dorte Hygum Soerensen 2007-04-04
Anmeldelse Weekendavisen Ina Kjoegx Petersen 2007-04-04
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