A film about the culture and tradition of an African tribe. We follow a part of the Dogon culture for a couple of days. It is a culture that has been almost unaffected for centuries. People are occupied preparing the big celebration of the 'Damma', a rare celebration that last time took place in our village, 'Kamakoni', 12 years ago. The fortune teller is interpreting signs in the sand, the blacksmith is carving masks and the women picks up water and is pounding millet, brewing beer and doing the cooking. The tempo is rising and there is a hectic activity everywhere. Finally the celebration; dancing and playing drums, one mask after another is presented. It is an orgy of celebration, colourful masks and costumes, with hundreds of enthusiastic people. The sun is setting, the celebration has come to an end, and it is getting quiet. The spirits have now entered eternal life.
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