Goethe’s Faust myth makes an appearance in this drama about a dispute between two scientists. When Doctor Voluntas discovers that his rival, the virtuous Doctor Felix, is about to overtake him in the preparation of a serum for cancer, he decides to lure the good doctor into corruption. An innocent woman, Margaret, is reeled in as a decoy and it works! Doctor Felix soon forgets both about his work and himself, while the devil stands ready to take possession of his soul.
Basic informationCreditsMaterials
Original title
Doktor X
Danish title
Doktor X
International titles
Dämons Triumphe, Folly of sin, Le docteur Voluntas, El Dr. Voluntas, Doctor Voluntas, Doktor Voluntas, Viljan som segrar, Doktor Voluntas, Den seirende vilje, Under venskaps maske
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