

7 min.DK/Short fictionChildren's films

A skinny and quirky water drop named Philly is born in a cloud over Denmark. He lands and comes to life among other droplets. Philly meets the girl drop Lilly and together they explore their materiality. As the sun reappears the drops are confronted with the fact that the rain cannot last forever. Fear spreads. But Philly’s naive and curios personality makes him different than the other drops. Together he and Lilly sets out to confront their destiny and find out what happens when they step out into the sun. In an imaginative universe animation director Karsten Kjærulf-Hoop brings hand-painted watercolor figures to life and tells a life-affirming story about the cycle of life.
Basic information Credits
Original title Drops
Danish title Dråberne
Director Karsten Kjærulf-Hoop, Sarah Jungen
Screenplay Karsten Kjærulf-Hoop, Sarah Jungen
Producer Emil Johnsen, Thor Hampus Bank
Composer Zain Effendi
Production country Denmark
Domestic distribution Danske Filminstitut
Online release 04.12.2017
DFI subsidy Konsulentstøtte
Danish rating Allowed for all
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Production company
Executive Producer GotFat Productions
With support from Det Danske Filminstitut, Den Vestdanske Filmpulje, Viborg Kommune, Open Workshop, The Animation Workshop, Sparekassen Kronjylland, Anis
Domestic distribution Danske Filminstitut


Direction Karsten Kjærulf-Hoop
Direction Sarah Jungen


Screenplay Karsten Kjærulf-Hoop
Screenplay Sarah Jungen
Script consultant Eini Carina
Storyboard Christyan Lungblad


Producer Emil Johnsen
Producer Thor Hampus Bank
Producer's assistant Puk Lodahl Eisenhardt
Producer's assistant Julie Mai Laursen


Music Zain Effendi


Sound Thomas Christensen


Layout Lakstein Fernandes

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