
The Stranger

Nicole N. Horanyi, Denmark, 2017

82 min.DK/Documentary

Amanda meets Casper on facebook. He is sole heir to the Augustinus Fund. He is divorced and has a daughter he is not allowed to see. On top of that, he has a complicated relationship with his wealthy family. That is why Casper ends up moving in with Amanda in her small apartment, where she lives with her young daughter. Three months later Amanda discovers that none of what Casper has told her about himself is true. Casper is not his real name, he is on the dole, and he lives in the basement of his grandparents’ house. How could Amanda have been so blind? How could she let herself be so thoroughly taken in by him? Amanda decides to find out who Casper really is, and in the process, she discovers other victims of Casper’s
Basic information Credits Materials
Original title En fremmed flytter ind
Danish title En fremmed flytter ind
Keywords Denmark, 2010-2019, Crime, Economic crime, Fraud, Deception, Personal history, Rieper-Holm, Casper, Kastrup, Amanda Midtgaard
Director Nicole N. Horanyi
Screenplay Krister Moltzen, Nicole N. Horanyi
Producer Helle Faber
Director of Photography Henrik Bohn Ipsen
Editor Rasmus Stensgaard Madsen
Sound Thomas Arent, Thomas Arent
Casting Gro Terp
Production country Denmark
Domestic distribution Camera Film
International sales LevelK
Danish theatrical release 14.09.2017
Grand Teatret: 14/9
Nordisk films biografer - Dagmar: 14/9
Nordisk films biografer - Palads: 14/9
Nordisk films biografer - Falkoner: 14/9
Nordisk films biografer - Lyngby; 14/9
Nordisk films biografer - Fields: 14/9
Valby: 14/9-27/9
Empire: 14/9
Park bio: 14/9
Gentofte: 14/9
Allerød: 17/9
Frederikssund, Nordisk films biografer Frederikssund: 14/9
Hillerød, Nordisk films biografer Hillerød: 14/9
Holbæk, Kulturbiografen Holbæk: 14/9
Hundige, Nordisk films biografer Waves: 14/9
Køge, Nordisk films biografer Køge: 14/9
Nykøbing Falster, Nordisk films biografer Nykøbing: 14/9
Næstved, Nordisk films biografer Næstved: 14/9
Taastrup, Nordisk films biografer Taastrup: 14/9
Reprise: 14/9-20/9
Ishøj: 28/9
Korsør: 28/9
Skibby: 21/9
Slagelse: 21/9
Slangerup bio: 23/10-29/10
Sorø: 21/9
Tisvilde: 20/9
Trommen, Hørsholm: 14/9
Aarhus, Nordisk films biografer Aarhus C: 14/9
Aarhus, Nordisk films biografer Trøjborg: 14/9
Aarhus, Øst for Paradis: 14/9
Aalborg, Biffen Nordkraft: 14/9
Aalborg, Nordisk films biografer Aalborg City Syd: 14/9
Aalborg, Nordisk films biografer Aalborg Kennedy: 14/9
Aars: 25/9
Esbjerg, Nordisk films biografer Esbjerg: 14/9
Herning, Nordisk films biografer Herning: 14/9
Hjallerup: 23/9
Kolding, Nordisk films biografer Kolding: 14/9
Kolding, Film 6000: 14/9
Nykøbing Mors, Bio Mors 28/9
Odder: 23/9
Randers, Nordisk films biografer Randers: 14/9
Rødding bio: 4/10
Silkeborg: 14/9
Klovborg: 14/9
Skanderborg: 26/10-1/11
Struer: 14/9
Odense, Nordisk films biografer Odense: 14/9
Odense, Café-Biografen: 14/9
Langeland: 24/10-1/11
Ringe : 5/10-11/10
Online release 01.03.2018
Comment Nicole N. Horanyi's last film, 'Motley's Law' (2015), premiered at Chicago Film Festival and was selected for IDFA where the director received the Alliance of Women Film Journalists’ EDA Award for Best Female-Directed Documentary.
DFI subsidy Konsulentstøtte
Danish rating Not recommended for children under 7
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Production company
Executive Producer Made in Copenhagen
With support from Det Danske Filminstitut
Domestic distribution Camera Film


Direction Nicole N. Horanyi
Casting Gro Terp


Screenplay Krister Moltzen
Screenplay Nicole N. Horanyi
Script consultant Christoffer Boe


Producer Helle Faber


Cinematographer Henrik Bohn Ipsen


Editor Rasmus Stensgaard Madsen


Sound engineer Thomas Arent
Sound designer Thomas Arent

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Reviews and articles

On the library you can find these articles and revies and other material about the film.
Type Source Author Date
Anmeldelse Berlingske Tidende Wendt Jensen, Jacob 2017-09-14
Anmeldelse Ekstra Bladet Queitsch, Henrik 2017-09-14
Anmeldelse Morgenavisen Jyllandsposten Frank Rasmussen, Nanna 2017-09-14
Anmeldelse Politiken-Fonden Skotte Christensen, Kim 2017-09-14
Interview Information Madsen, Freja Sofie 2017-09-14
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