
A bird under my heart

Elisabeth Rygård, Denmark, 1981

32 min.DK/Documentary

The film forms a contrast to the number of canting pictures or the silence existing round the period of the first six months after a child has been born. It takes up some of the problems that three different women encounter during this period. The film offers no solutions, but asks some questions. How is it possible to think that this is only a private problem?
Basic information Credits Materials
Original title En fugl under mit hjerte
Danish title En fugl under mit hjerte
Keywords Toddlers, Childbirth, Maternity leave, Motherhood, Parents, Family life, Families, Cohabitation, 1980-1989
Director Elisabeth Rygård
Screenplay Elisabeth Rygård
Director of Photography Katia Forbert Petersen
Editor Merete Brusendorff, Grete Møldrup
Sound Åse Steensen
Composer Balkan Trioen
Production country Denmark
Domestic distribution Statens Filmcentral, Dansk Filmcentrum, Sunset Video
Technical info 16 mm, color, Sound
Danish rating Allowed for all
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Production company Workshoppen
Domestic distribution Statens Filmcentral, Dansk Filmcentrum, Sunset Video


Direction Elisabeth Rygård


Script Elisabeth Rygård


Executive producer Elisabeth Rygård


Cinematography Katia Forbert Petersen
Camera assistant Stuart McIntyre


Editing Merete Brusendorff
Editing Grete Møldrup


Music Balkan Trioen


Sound Åse Steensen


Voiceover Gitte Ahlmark

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Reviews and articles

On the library you can find these articles and revies and other material about the film.
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