A film about an old philosophical teddy who is sailing to Cape Town on board a containership with his present owner, nine-year-old Simon, who adores him. Teddy, nevertheless, suffers from a premonition that one day Simon will forget him. This is the worst fate that can befall a teddy, because teddies don't die, they are simply left on their own and forgotten. So Teddy is quite jealous, especially of puppies, as Simon's biggest wish is to own a puppy. When the family settle in Cape Town, Simon is given an irresistible puppy, and hence, forgets all about his teddy. Teddy is then deprived of all love and attention and now his nightmare turns to reality. But fortunately, at the very last moment, our hero is saved by a new friend's love.
Basic informationCredits
Original title
En gammel bamses fortælling
Danish title
En gammel bamses fortælling
Other titles
En gammel bamses fortælling - og to andre børnefilm af Jon Bang Carlsen
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