The film about peasant life from 1940 - 1990 has been made on the initiative of a number of farmers in western Jutland. And it is their film. Jørgen Vestergaard, the director, catches loyally and intensely old farmers' reports from the time when real farmers and real peasant life existed. And even if the film deals with five decades, the old days are given the majority of thoughts and time, for which reason they get a strong position. The film refers to 21 themes: Horses and cows. Day-labourer. Ploughing. To buy a farm. To go into service. Farmhands and maids. To wash. The food. Doing the washing. To become a pensioner. Second World War. Peat and fuel. Windmill and electricity. The dairy. Harrowing and sowing. Harvesting and threshing. Beets and potatoes. Leisure time and clubs. Tractor and milking machine. Tedder and combine harvester. Modern farming.
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