Shot over three years, the film follows the two twin girls Molly and Smilla in a crucial time of their lives, from age 11 to 15. The girls are diagnosed with autism and are not like the other children. They must learn to live with the awareness of being different. We experience them as they grow from belonging to the same safe bubble to stepping out into the world as two confident, strong girls, with the film ending as Molly takes a big leap and starts at a continuation school.
Selected for IDFA Kids & Docs Competition. Kaspar Astrup Schröder has directed a number of documentaries about and for children. Other films by Schröder include 'The Invention of Dr. Nakamats' (2009), 'Rent a Family Inc.' (2012), 'Waiting for the Sun' (2017) and 'Big Time' (2017).
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