
Ferie på flygtningeøen

Frej Pries Schmedes, Denmark, 2017

24 min.DK/Documentary

Alvin is snorkling with his father on Samos. But what is that? Alvin finds a lifevest, and other things left behind by the refugees. It's a bit spooky...
Why did the refugees arrive in rubber boats? Why didn't they fly here like us? Alvin wants to find the refugee children, to give them some candy and a stuffed animal he got on the plane. He believes that the refugees need safety and food – but more than anything else, they probably need a hug. They drive up to the refugee camp. The gates are open and Alvin meets the children. But just as he tries to give them the candy, the police come and throw him out.
Basic information Credits
Original title Ferie på flygtningeøen
Danish title Ferie på flygtningeøen
Keywords Denmark, Boys, Greece, Holiday, Refugees, Refugee Camps, Children, 2010-2019
Director Frej Pries Schmedes
Screenplay Frej Pries Schmedes
Producer Dorthe Rosenørn Schmedes, Adam Schmedes
Director of Photography Frej Pries Schmedes
Editor Frej Pries Schmedes, Adam Schmedes
Appearance Frej Pries Schmedes, Alvin Festo Schellerup Schmedes
Production country Denmark
DFI subsidy Konsulentstøtte
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Production company Loke Film
With support from Det Danske Filminstitut


Direction Frej Pries Schmedes


Screenplay Frej Pries Schmedes


Producer Dorthe Rosenørn Schmedes
Producer Adam Schmedes
Production manager Dorthe Rosenørn Schmedes


Cinematographer Frej Pries Schmedes


Still photographer Frej Pries Schmedes


Editor Frej Pries Schmedes
Editor Adam Schmedes
Online Jes Kjær Paul


Music Frej Pries Schmedes
Music Alvin Festo Schellerup Schmedes
Music Nicklas Schmidt

Visual effects

VFX Jes Kjær Paul


Appearance Frej Pries Schmedes
Appearance Alvin Festo Schellerup Schmedes

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