

Anders Gustafsson, Denmark, 2003

41 min.DK/Documentary

We follow Julius through one year, focusing on his one great passion - boxing. We join him in the boxing gym, where Julius vents his energy and aggressions, in school, where he sends long looks after those enigmatic girls, and we join him at the boxing meetings, where he wins in style. Julius will soon be 15 years old, and he is slowly starting to rethink his devotion to boxing. It is a hard sport, and Julius is afraid of getting a brain damage and becoming stupid. Thoughts of his future are beginning to crowd his mind, and as time goes by, he starts having serious doubts as to whether boxing should continue to be as predominant in his life as it currently is.
Basic information Credits
Original title Fluen
Danish title Fluen
Other titles Fodbolddrengen / Fluen / Zuma the Puma
Keywords Sport, Boxing, Gottlieb, Julius
Director Anders Gustafsson
Screenplay Anders Gustafsson
Director of Photography Anders Löfstedt, Morten Bastholm, Anders Gustafsson, Rasmus Videbæk
Composer Magnus Jarlbo
Production country Denmark
International sales Konsortiet Koncern & Fjernsynsfabrikken
Technical info color
DFI subsidy Konsulentstøtte
Danish rating Allowed for all
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Production company Koncern TV- og Filmproduktion


Direction Anders Gustafsson


Script Anders Gustafsson


Production Jens Ulrik Pedersen
Production Thomas Heurlin
Production Morten Schmidt


Cinematography Anders Löfstedt
Cinematography Morten Bastholm
Cinematography Anders Gustafsson
Cinematography Rasmus Videbæk


Music Magnus Jarlbo

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