
The fountain

Darren Aronofsky, United States, 2006

97 min.Feature

Basic information Credits Materials
Original title The fountain
Danish title The fountain
Director Darren Aronofsky
Screenplay Darren Aronofsky
Director of Photography Matthew Libatique
Editor Jay Rabinowitz
Composer Clint Mansell
Production designer James Chinlund
Appearance Hugh Jackman, Rachel Weisz, Ellen Burstyn
Production country United States
Domestic distribution Filmcompagniet - SF Film, Warner og Twentieth Century Fox
Technical info 2641 meter, Kodakcolor, Dolby digital stereo
Danish festival release 22.09.2006, Dagmar, Copenhagen International Film Festival
Danish theatrical release 04.04.2007
Cinemas Palads, Grand, Metropol (Århus)
Find more Variety, CDIV:4 (Sept 11, 2006)
Danish rating Allowed for children over the age of 11
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Production company Protozoa Pictures, New Regency Production
Domestic distribution Filmcompagniet - SF Film, Warner og Twentieth Century Fox


Direction Darren Aronofsky


Script Darren Aronofsky


Production Eric Watson
Production Arnon Milchan
Production Iain Smith


Cinematography Matthew Libatique


Editing Jay Rabinowitz


Music Clint Mansell

Production design

Production design James Chinlund


Tomas/Tommy/Tom Creo Hugh Jackman
Isabel/Izzi Creo Rachel Weisz
Dr. Lillian Guzetti Ellen Burstyn

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Reviews and articles

On the library you can find these articles and revies and other material about the film.
Type Source Author Date
Anmeldelse Børsen Morten Durr 2007-04-10
Anmeldelse BT Jacob Wendt Jensen 2007-04-04
Anmeldelse Berlingske Tidende Ebbe Iversen 2007-04-04
Anmeldelse Ekstra Bladet Henrik Queitsch 2007-04-04
Anmeldelse Information Christian Monggaard 2007-04-04
Anmeldelse Information Christian Monggaard 2007-04-04
Anmeldelse Kristeligt Dagblad Palle Schantz Lauridsen 2007-04-04
Anmeldelse Politiken-Fonden Erik Jensen 2007-04-04
Anmeldelse Urban Louise Kidde Sauntved 2007-04-04
Anmeldelse Weekendavisen Bo Green Jensen 2007-04-04
Anmeldelse Morgenavisen Jyllandsposten Katrine Sommer Boysen 2007-04-04
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