
The Temptation

Herman Erasmi Sørensen, Denmark, 1930

45 min.DK/Short fictionCompany films, Silent films

A young man finds employment as an apprentice in a grocery store. As he is short of money for his sick mother’s medicine and furthermore is eager to ask a charming girl out, he succumbs to temptation and steals from the till. Caught red-handed, he is sentenced to two years in a correctional institution. By the time he is released, his old mother has died of grief and poverty, and he is reduced to begging passers-by for alms. While begging, he becomes involved in a tragic incident that once again sends him fleeing through the city.
Basic information Credits
Original title Fristelsen
Danish title Fristelsen
Director Herman Erasmi Sørensen
Screenplay Kaj Møller, Stig Møller
Appearance Musse Scheel, Volmer Gyth, Kaj Møller, Fru Just
Production country Denmark
Domestic distribution Kongsbak & Cohn
Technical info 16 mm, 1,37:1 Academy, Black/white, Silent
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Production company Fotorama
Commissioned by Emilius Møller
Domestic distribution Kongsbak & Cohn


Direction Herman Erasmi Sørensen


Script Kaj Møller
Script Stig Møller


Haralds mor, vaskekone Musse Scheel
Harald, lærling hos købmanden Volmer Gyth
Købmanden Kaj Møller
Købmandens kone Fru Just
Pigen på gaden Clara Møller
Dommer Knud Olsen
Anklageren Zittadini
Betjenten Stig Møller
Forsvareren Helge Wandel
Repræsentanten C.J. Høyers

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