
East Greenland Revisited... Kirsten Bang

Karen Littauer, Denmark, 1999

41 min.DK/DocumentaryPortrait films

Kirsten Bang has travelled all over the world and has written about her experiences in her many books. Her first long journey took her to East Greenland, where she worked as a governess. She stayed there until the Second World War forced her to return home. Sixty years later the now ninety-year-old writer decided to revisit the place and meet the people she wrote about in her first books. The film shows Kirsten Bang's experiences of the incredible changes a small people has undergone in her own lifetime. The truly distinguishing feature of the film, however, is Kirsten Bang. No matter where or when she gets to know people, be it in Ammassalik, Holte or Nepal, to her they are - above - exactly that, people.
Basic information Credits
Original title Gensyn med Østgrønland... Kirsten Bang
Danish title Gensyn med Østgrønland... Kirsten Bang
Keywords Greenland, Bang, Kirsten
Director Karen Littauer
Screenplay Karen Littauer
Director of Photography Manuel Sellner
Editor Niels Frandsen
Sound Jens Bangskjær
Composer Rasmus Lyberth, Flemming Nordkrog
Appearance Kirsten Bang
Production country Denmark
Domestic distribution Danske Filminstitut
Technical info color
DFI subsidy Konsulentstøtte
Danish rating Allowed for all
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Production company Nuka Film
Domestic distribution Danske Filminstitut


Direction Karen Littauer


Script Karen Littauer


Production Karen Littauer


Cinematography Manuel Sellner


Editing Niels Frandsen


Music Rasmus Lyberth
Music Flemming Nordkrog


Sound Jens Bangskjær


Appearance Kirsten Bang

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