Without the knowledge of her family or friends, 24-year-old Zahra, a medical student born in Pakistan, is passionately involved with a 27-year-old fellow student, Mads. She regularly tells people she is on duty in the Accident and Emergency Ward but in fact spends the night at Mads', while making sure she gets home early enough to prepare breakfast for her father and younger brother. Zahra's relationship with her family becomes more acute when her suspicious, strictly Muslim brother finds a positive pregnancy test result concealed beneath her mattress. Zahra has shamed her family; she must chose between an abortion and rejection. Zahra chooses both, and her father is forced to come to her and Mads in search of reconciliation.
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Original title
Habibti min elskede
Danish title
Habibti min elskede
Other titles
Den korte film 2, Der er en yndig mand - Habibta min elskede
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