
The story of Kim Skov

Hans-Henrik Jørgensen, Denmark, 1981

58 min.DK/Short fiction

A realistic but stylized drama-documentary about a 13-year-old boy whose father has to give up his smallholding and move into a one-family house in a suburban district and start a new life in a new job. Kim is a sensitive, introvert nature and doesn't get on at all well in his new school. He can't keep up with the rest of his class and soon gets into conflict with a gang who tease and mob him and subject him to gross violence. Kim's only tragic way out of his dilemma is to join the gang and become a mobber himself.
Basic information Credits Materials
Original title Historien om Kim Skov
Danish title Historien om Kim Skov
Keywords Bullying, Young people, Gangs, Schools
Director Hans-Henrik Jørgensen
Screenplay Hans-Henrik Jørgensen, Ulla Ryum
Director of Photography Jeppe Jeppesen
Editor Anker Sørensen
Sound Troels Orland
Production designer Erik Lagoni Jacobsen
Appearance Tommy Hansen, Karen Margrethe Bjerre, Benny Poulsen, Louise Koch
Production country Denmark
Domestic distribution Statens Filmcentral
Technical info 16 mm, Normal, color, Sound
Danish theatrical release 03.10.1981
Cinemas Delta
TV release 31.07.1986, TV
Find more Asbjørn Skytte: En blodtud på film... MacGuffin 41-42/1982.
Danish rating Allowed for children over the age of 11
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Production company Det Danske Filminstitut, Saga Kortfilm
Executive Producer Statens Filmcentral
Commissioned by Statens Filmcentral
Domestic distribution Statens Filmcentral


Direction Hans-Henrik Jørgensen
Continuity Karen Bentzon


Script Hans-Henrik Jørgensen
Script Ulla Ryum


Production manager Gerd Roos
Production assistant Vibeke Pedersen


Cinematography Jeppe Jeppesen
Camera assistant Otto Stenov

Electrical dept.

Electrical dept. Ove Hansen


Editing Anker Sørensen

Production design

Production designer Erik Lagoni Jacobsen
Set dresser Lennart Pasborg
Assistant set dresser Ingrid Oustrup Jensen


Wardrobe Lotte Dandanell


Sound engineer Troels Orland
Sound: post-production Leif Jensen


Kim Skov Tommy Hansen
Kims mor Karen Margrethe Bjerre
Kims far Benny Poulsen
Kims lillesøster Louise Koch
Skoleelev Jonas Elmer
Skoleelev Morten Eriksen
Skoleelev Magnus Grove
Skoleelev Claus Heil
Skoleelev Christian Lønborg
Skoleelev Louis Steinthal
Skoleinspektør John Hahn-Petersen
Skolepsykolog Peter Eszterhás
Skolelærer Gyrd Løfquist
Skolelærer Søren Rode
Skolelærer Kirsten Rolffes
Skolelærer Merete Voldstedlund
Skolelærer Ruddy Nyegaard
Købmand Finn Nielsen
Landmand Henry Jessen

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