Robert Storm Petersen (1882-1949) was as versatile as he was industrious. Thus, his legacy of characters, drawings, paintings, animated films and stories is an inexhaustible source of hilarity and wonderment. No other Dane, with the exception of Hans Christian Andersen, has contributed to such an extent to the Danish folk wit and linguistic innovation as Storm P., and it is the aim of the film portrait "First Class" to demonstrate just this. Film director Jørgen Vestergaard makes Peter and Ping, the two characters that lived on Storm's desk from 1922 to 1949, come alive to talk about their life with Storm as an artist and as a private person. With his daily newspaper drawings, he stimulated our funny bone, but he also engaged in social criticism and philosophy and was a serious painter.
Grand Teatret, København, Biffen, Aalborg, Øst for Paradis, Århus, Cafebiografen, Odense, Nicolai Biograf, Kolding, Kino 1-2-3 Thisted, Bio Mors, Nykøbing og Borup Kino
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