Homo Lalandiense is a poetically-realistic documentary about the Danish island Lolland and its people, filmed in the autumn and winter of 1995, 96 and 97. A long row of fates unfold themselves and their dreams on the background of a both brutal and fertile nature. We meet the practical farmer running his highly intensive agriculture on some of the best land in Europe, the dreaming peasant who is working like his ancestors did, the gardener who creates himself a garden as protection against the wind and the desolate landscape, the sculpturer and mysticer who finds magic stones in the soil and the childish visionary who hears the stones coming from the sky with rare messages.
We meet the lord whose life is hunting and the genetic scientist who has found a new blood type on Lolland. We meet several others, a wandering crusader, various anonymous characters and faces in a landscape of water, earth, stone, fire and sky, and a vast horizon.
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