
Four Letters Apart - Children in the Age of ADHD

Erlend E. Mo, Denmark, 2013

87 min.DK/Documentary

The film follows three children at odds with themselves and the world around them, at a time when more and more are being diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Victor is 7. He hates ADHD, believing it's something to do with his club feet. Martine is quick to become withdrawn and struggles with uncontrollable rage. For the most part, Marino keeps to himself, but easily becomes aggressive. Victor, Martine and Marino are in a special class in a normal school. The teachers and the parents decide to take part in an alternative treatment project focusing on the individual child's challenges and possibilities, rather than relying on medical diagnosis. The film shows how the children make great strides over the course of a year, as the adults around them start to see each child in a new light.
Basic information Credits
Original title Jeg hader ADHD - børn i en diagnosetid
Danish title Jeg hader ADHD - børn i en diagnosetid
Keywords ADHD, Children, Pupils, Lindevangsskolen, Behaviour, Parent-child relation, Denmark, 2010-2019
Director Erlend E. Mo
Producer Lise Lense-Møller
Director of Photography Simon Plum, Casper Høyberg, Lars Reinholdt, Erlend E. Mo
Editor Åsa Mossberg, Stefan Sundlöf
Sound Niels Arild
Composer Magnus Jarlbo
Production country Denmark, Norway
Dialogue language Danish
Domestic distribution Danske Filminstitut
International sales Magic Hour Films ApS
Danish theatrical release 27.05.2013
Cinemas Aalborg Hovedbibliotek, Aarhus Hovedbibliotek, Ballerup Børnebibliotek, Gladsaxe Bibliografen, København Biblioteket på Rentemestervej, Ebeltoft Bibliotek, Gentoftegade Bibliotek, Hornslet Bibliotek, Esbjerg Huset, Ikast Bibliotek, Kolding Nicolai Bio, Skagen Bibliotek, Skive Bibliotek, Struer Bibliotek, Varde Bibliotek, Vejen Bibliotek og Frederiksberg Bibliotek Danasvej 30B
TV release 04.06.2013, TV 2
DFI subsidy Konsulentstøtte
Danish rating Allowed for all
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Production company Magic Hour Films
Co-production Mediamente
With support from Det Danske Filminstitut
In collaboration with TV2 Danmark
Domestic distribution Danske Filminstitut


Direction Erlend E. Mo


Producer Lise Lense-Møller
Co-producer Torstein Nybø
Production Lars Brask Frederiksen
Production Heidi Elise Christensen
Production Cecilia Valsted


Cinematographer Simon Plum
Cinematographer Casper Høyberg
Cinematographer Lars Reinholdt
Cinematographer Erlend E. Mo
AV assistant Adam Henriksen


Editor Åsa Mossberg
Editor Stefan Sundlöf
Assistant editor Rasmus Nyholm Schmidt


Music Magnus Jarlbo


Sound Niels Arild

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