
The Cockroach and the Sea

Anton Setola, Belgium, 2015

6 min.Short fictionChildren's films, Animation

A cockroach is sleeping peacefully on a leaf in the brushwood. By interference of a curious hand, our friend ends up in the water.

The cockroach wants to get back to his leaf, but he is surrounded by dangers. By sacrificing his antennae and legs one by one he remains in control of the situation and after an intense journey across the sea and through the air, he manages to get back on dry land. Miraculously, all his legs and antennae have washed ashore.

With all his limbs back on his body, he lies down on a leaf to gaze at the stars until he, exhausted from his adventure, falls asleep.
Basic information Credits
Original title De Kakkerlak en de Zee
Danish title Kakerlakken og havet
Keywords Nature, Animals, Fairy tales
Director Anton Setola
Screenplay Anton Setola
Production country Belgium
Domestic distribution Danske Filminstitut
Online release 17.06.2019, Filmcentralen,
Danish rating Allowed for all
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Production company
Executive Producer Lumière, Lumière
Co-production Lunanime
With support from Flanders Audiovisuel Fund
Domestic distribution Danske Filminstitut


Direction Anton Setola


Screenplay Anton Setola


Executive producer Annemie Degryse
Line producer Tim Martens
Production manager Hermien Verstraeten


Animator Anton Setola

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