Søren is keeping an eye on Katrine. She is the new girl next door. Very nice. How do you get contact when you are not big enough to know the rules? You take a red toy elephant with a walkie-talkie in its back. You put it so that Katrine finds it. She believes happily that she has a speaking toy animal. But it is of course Søren who speaks at a safe distance from his walkie-talkie through his useful elephant. The insensitive grown-ups reveal the true facts of the case, and the magic is gone. And yet. Sweet walkie-talkie music springs up.
Basic informationCreditsMaterials
Original title
- kalder Katrine!
Danish title
- kalder Katrine!
Other titles
Kalder Katrine, Karla Kanin Bio 1, Filmhits for børn 1
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