
Fate of an empire

Ubekendt, United Kingdom, 1948

21 min.DocumentaryPropaganda films

Problem of the Italian Colonies, Libya, Ethiopia, Eritrea and Somalia; how they were acquired by Italy; their position in the war and their future. This Modern Age series. no. 20. (from the BFI website).
Basic information Credits
Original title Fate of an empire
Danish title Koloniernes Fremtid
Other titles This modern age nr. 20
Director Ubekendt
Production country United Kingdom
Domestic distribution Statens Filmcentral
Technical info Petersen & Poulsen
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Production company This Modern Age, Ltd.
Domestic distribution Statens Filmcentral


Direction Ubekendt
Danish version Theodor Christensen


Voiceover Johan Wilhjelm

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