
King Haakon VII’s Arrival in Copenhagen

Denmark, 1906

4 min.Non-fiction footage

In 1906 King Haakon VII’s father, King Frederik VIII, had been crowned king of Denmark. The reception was more extravagant than usual, possibly in order to support the new Norwegian royal court.
Basic information Credits
Original title Kong Haakons Ankomst
Danish title Kong Haakons Ankomst
Other titles Kong Haakons Ankomst nittenhundrede og seks, Kong Haakon VII's Ankomst til København
Keywords State visit, Royal family, The, King Haakon VII of Norway, Norway, Copenhagen, 1900-1909
Appearance Kong Frederik VIII
Production country Denmark
Domestic distribution DFI/Museum & Cinematek
Technical info 35 mm, 1,33:1, Black/white, Silent
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Production company Nordisk Films Kompagni
Domestic distribution DFI/Museum & Cinematek


Appearance Kong Frederik VIII

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