Rafea from Jordan is 30 years old. She has 4 children and a husband who's eager to take a third wife. With encouragement from Jordan's Ministry of Environment, she leaves her village for the first time to go to Barefoot College in India in an effort to gain a skill as a solor engineer that will bring the much-needed income to support her family and her village.Two months into the program, Rafea's husband insists that she returns home or he will divorce her and take her children. Rafea goes back, but manages to persuade her family that she should return to India.The film follows the incredible personal transformation Rafea goes through in the process of leaving home for the first time and of acquiring the skills to earn an income and achieve for her community what others have not been able to.
Basic informationCreditsMaterials
Original title
Solar mamas
Danish title
Kvinder med power
Other titles
Barefoot engineers, Hvorfor fattigdom? - Kvinder med power
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