
La danse - Le ballet de l'Opéra de Paris

Frederick Wiseman, France, 2009

159 min.DocumentaryMusic films

Basic information Credits Materials
Original title La danse - Le ballet de l'Opéra de Paris
Danish title La danse
Director Frederick Wiseman
Producer Frederick Wiseman
Director of Photography John Davey
Composer Joby Talbot
Production country France, United States
Domestic distribution Camera Film
Danish theatrical release 21.10.2010
Cinemas Grand, Grand (Holbæk), Øst for Paradis (Århus)
Danish rating Allowed for all
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Production company TPS Star
Domestic distribution Camera Film


Direction Frederick Wiseman


Producer Frederick Wiseman


Cinematography John Davey


Music Joby Talbot

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Reviews and articles

On the library you can find these articles and revies and other material about the film.
Type Source Author Date
Anmeldelse Berlingske Tidende Iben Albinus Sabroe 2010-10-21
Anmeldelse Information Eva Novrup Redvall 2010-10-21
Anmeldelse Information Eva Novrup Redvall 2010-10-21
Anmeldelse Kristeligt Dagblad Palle Schantz Lauridsen 2010-10-21
Anmeldelse Morgenavisen Jyllandsposten Nanna Frank Rasmussen 2010-10-21
Anmeldelse Politiken-Fonden Kim Skotte 2010-10-21
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