With a loose inspirational take-off in William Golding's 'Lord of the Flies', this youth melodrama has a group of summer camp kids, left to their own devices when their teachers stage a strike, go on a rampage of stealing and looting. A stolen boat brings them to an uninhabited island. When their boat drifts away, the kids are helpless on their own. Filmed with amateurs and improvised dialogue.
2345 meter, 35 mm, Widescreen, Eastmancolor, Sound
Danish theatrical release
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Anders Troelsen: Ungdom, utilpassethed og utopi. "Levende billeder af Danmark", red. Anders Troelsen. Medusa 1980, s. 121-234.
Steffen Birk Hansen: Når de voksne svigter. Film 75, 2-3/1975.
Jakob Stegelmann: La' os være. Kosmorama 126/1975.
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