How does one bear the unbearable? That is the question for Claes and Britt, a couple in their mid-thirties who lost their only child in a car accident five months ago. They are now struggling in separate ways to overcome their grief. Britt cannot talk about it, Claes can hardly talk about anything else. Britt buries herself in her job as a social worker and gets involved with a young single mother and her baby, far exceeding the bounds of professional interest. Claes is unable to function at work and is sent home on leave. He does not tell Britt, but starts spending his days stalking the woman who ran their daughter over. The situation is highly unstable for all of them. When Britt clashes with the young mother and Claus finally confronts the woman, it becomes clear that revenge cannot conquer grief.
Dagmar, Palladium, Albertslund Biograferne, Grand, Gladsaxe Bio, BioCity (Tåstrup), Baltoppen Bio 1-2, Gentofte Kino, Bio Værløse, Empire, Kinopalæet (Lyngby) samt 26 biografer i provinsen
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