
Long, Live, Love

Sine Skibsholt, Denmark, 2019

78 min.DK/Documentary

A young adult film about figuring out who you are in this chaos called life. On top of that, there is a degree of seriousness to Rosemarie's life, for which she is much too young. She has been diagnosed with cancer, and although the doctors say she will survive, the long treatment leaves a mark on her young life. Not least with regards to her relationship with her mother, whose affection and attention suffocates her. At the same time, Rosemarie gets the feeling that she cannot really reach her mother who is guarding her emotions out of fear of losing her daughter. The film follows Rosemarie's struggle to move forward with her life – with school and friends – but also to get the rest of her family to move on with theirs.
Basic information Credits
Original title Lever Elsker Savner
Danish title Lever Elsker Savner
Keywords Mother-daughter relationship, Family life, Cancer, Young people, 2010-2019
Director Sine Skibsholt
Co-director Ina Lindgreen
Producer Helle Faber
Director of Photography Sine Skibsholt, Ina Lindgreen
Editor Rebekka Lønqvist
Sound Thomas Arent
Composer Martin Juel Dirkov
Production country Denmark
Domestic distribution Danske Filminstitut, DFI/Distribution & Formidling
International sales DR International Sales
Online release 23.06.2020, Filmcentralen,
Comment Sine Skibsholt took home IDFA's First Appearance award for 'Who We Were' (2016). 'Long, Live, Love' is Skibsholt's second long documentary.
DFI subsidy Konsulentstøtte
Danish rating Not recommended for children under 7
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Production company Made in Copenhagen ApS
With support from Det Danske Filminstitut, TV2 Danmark
Domestic distribution Danske Filminstitut, DFI/Distribution & Formidling


Direction Sine Skibsholt
Co-director Ina Lindgreen
Consultant Simon Lereng Wilmont
Consultant Andreas Kofoed


Producer Helle Faber
Production manager Carina Åkerlund
Post-producton coordinator Henriette Kræmer
Production assistant Niels Constantin Brun Ejlers
Production assistant Karoline Ellekær Bisgaard


Cinematographer Sine Skibsholt
Cinematographer Ina Lindgreen


Editor Rebekka Lønqvist
Assistant editor Henriette Kræmer
Trailer editor Rebekka Lønqvist


Composer Martin Juel Dirkov


Sound designer Thomas Arent
B-sound designer Catrine le Dous

Visual effects

Visual concept Mette Ohlendorff
Graphic design Peter Muurmann
Online Adam Bendixen
Colourist Anders V. Christensen
Assistant colorgrader Maria Klarlund

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