With expat circles in the Trinidad oil business as a backdrop, Limbo is a film about love, temptations, and deceit in an environment a long, long way from home. A young family arrives straight from the Norwegian reality of the 70s to an international milieu where men still keep lovers, servants take care of house and children, while the housewives gather poolside for gin and tonics - like listless, rootless ticking bombs, distraught with frustration. Direct from the norwegian reality of the seventies, Sonia and her two children arrive in Trinidad to join her husband, Jo, who is working as an oil engineer. She is introduced to a homeless class of men who have the whole world as their workplace - and their wives, who follow them wherever their contracts take them. On the surface these women live lives of luxury, with large houses and servants. The days are uneventful and blend together into an everlasting holiday, where the women nurse their superficial relationships over poolside cocktails - the perfect climate for self-delusion.
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