
On-line med forfædrene

103 min.DK/Documentary

Do you believe in God or ancestral spirits? Would you agree to pay a bridal price - in the form of cellular phones or money? Would you follow your heart or do what your family expects of you? Are you the maker of your own fortune or your relations to other people? These are some of the many questions that occupy the two young lead characters, Jimmy and Busi. They have been sent on a tour of Zimbabwe by Savannah Arts to research and gain inspiration for the group's next performance. Along the way they meet chiefs, traditional healers, gays, a spiritual medium and a dream interpreter. They visit Busi's grandfather in the rural areas and take part in a ceremony for the dead.
Basic information Credits
Original title On-line med forfædrene
Danish title On-line med forfædrene
Other titles En rejse i afrikansk erindring
Keywords African culture, Zimbabwe, Africa, 2000-2009
Director Prudence Uriri, Helle Toft Jensen
Screenplay Helle Toft Jensen
Producer Signe Byrge Sørensen
Director of Photography Patrick Lindsell
Editor Iben Niegaard
Sound Henrik Jørgensen
Production country Denmark
Domestic distribution DFI/Distribution & Formidling
International sales Spor Media
Technical info color
DFI subsidy Konsulentstøtte
Danish rating Allowed for all
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Production company Spor Media
Domestic distribution DFI/Distribution & Formidling


Direction Prudence Uriri
Direction Helle Toft Jensen


Script Helle Toft Jensen


Producer Signe Byrge Sørensen


Cinematography Patrick Lindsell


Editing Iben Niegaard


Sound Henrik Jørgensen

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