'LoveSex - tales of young', is a partly animated documentary series consisting of six short films each 6-8 minutes long, where you are let into a sensual universe of honest stories about love and sex told directly by young people to young people. In the six short films young people talk about personal experiences from their own love life, in order to reach the target audience in an intense and direct way, which unleashes personal and authentic emotions and identification.
The imagery consist also of personal I-phone footage and abstract interpreted animated scenes, which give the audience a unique opportunity to get close to the feeling of being young, in love and curious about sex.
In each film the documentary sequences work as a springboard to the animated interpretations entering into imagination and the abstract world of sexual experience. These animated sequences are inspired by visual art and fantasy.
Basic informationCredits
Original title
Lovesex - fortællinger om kærlighed og sex (oversigt)
Danish title
Lovesex - fortællinger om kærlighed og sex (oversigt)
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