
At the Cycling Track in Ordup

Denmark, 1913

1 min.Non-fiction footage

Thorvald Ellegaard (1877-1957) was the best bicycle rider of his time. Among other feats he won six world championships in sprint from 1901-1911. ’Politiken’ was the first Danish paper to take up sports, and arranged bicycle races from 1913.
Basic information Credits
Original title Mesterrytteren Thorvald Ellegaard paa Cykelbanen i Ordrup
Danish title Mesterrytteren Thorvald Ellegaard paa Cykelbanen i Ordrup
Keywords Cycling, Cycle races, Ellegaard, Thorvald, Racing cyclist, Ordrupbanen, 1910-1919
Appearance Thorvald Ellegaard, Anker Kirkeby
Production country Denmark
Domestic distribution DFI/Museum & Cinematek
Technical info 35 mm, 1,33:1, Black/white, Silent
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Production company Politiken-Fonden
Domestic distribution DFI/Museum & Cinematek


Appearance Thorvald Ellegaard
Appearance Anker Kirkeby

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