It's study time for the final exams. Everything is going fine for Christian until his sister commits suicide. After exams and graduation Sofie's unexplained suicide takes its toll. Christian is convinced that Sofie was trying to communicate something to him before she took her life. Nevertheless Christian and his friends decide one last time to celebrate midsummer in Sweden. But nothing is the same without Sofie. Sweden, however, turns out to be a pleasant experience for Christian who discovers that he is in love with the beautiful Trine. Sofie's suicide, however, is not to go unexplained. The truth is lurking in the sombre shadows of the forest ... and for those who get to drive back, life will never be the same.
Palads, Albertslund Biograferne, Gladsaxe Bio, Værløse Bio, BioCity (Tåstrup), Baltoppen Bio 1-2, CinemaxX, Kinopalæet (Lyngby) samt 40 biografer i provinsen
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