
My cousin the pirate

45 min.DK/Documentary

Nasib Farah, 28, is Somali. His lives in Denmark with his Danish wife and three children. He grew up in an area that has now become the centre for Somali piracy. Some of the most fearsome pirates belong to his own family. When he realizes that his cousin plans to join the pirates, he travels to Somalia in order to talk him out of it. It becomes a journey into the heart of a criminal world, where he will face the pirates and their questionable exploits.
Basic information Credits
Original title Min fætter er pirat
Danish title Min fætter er pirat
Other titles Somalias pirater
Keywords Pirates, Piracy, Somalia, 2000-2009
Director Christian Sønderby Jepsen
Producer Helle Faber
Director of Photography Henrik Bohn Ipsen
Editor Ida Bregninge
Composer Jonas Colstrup
Production country Denmark
International sales DR International Sales
Technical info color
DFI subsidy Konsulentstøtte
Danish rating Not recommended for children under 7
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Production company Monday Media


Direction Christian Sønderby Jepsen


Producer Helle Faber
Organizer Nasib Farah


Cinematography Henrik Bohn Ipsen


Stills Henrik Bohn Ipsen


Editing Ida Bregninge


Music Jonas Colstrup

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