
A Most Violent Year

J.C. Chandor, United States, 2014

125 min.Feature

Basic information Credits Materials
Original title A Most Violent Year
Danish title A Most Violent Year
Director J.C. Chandor
Appearance Oscar Isaac, Elyes Gabel, Jessica Chastain
Production country United States, United Arab Emirates
Domestic distribution Angel Films
Danish theatrical release 11.06.2015
Cinemas Grand Teatret, Dagmar, Lyngby, Palads, CinemaxX (Århus, Odense og København, Øst for Paradis, Café Biografen Odense, Bio City Århus, Horsens, Roskilde og Gentofte m.fl.
Danish rating Allowed for all
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Production company Before The Door Pictures
Domestic distribution Angel Films


Direction J.C. Chandor


Stills Atsushi Nishijima
Stills Christopher T. Saunders


Appearance Oscar Isaac
Appearance Elyes Gabel
Appearance Jessica Chastain

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Reviews and articles

On the library you can find these articles and revies and other material about the film.
Type Source Author Date
Anmeldelse Weekendavisen Bo Green Jensen 2015-06-12
Anmeldelse BT Henning Hoeeg 2015-06-11
Anmeldelse Berlingske Tidende Louise Kidde Sauntved 2015-06-11
Anmeldelse Ekstra Bladet Henrik Queitsch 2015-06-11
Anmeldelse Morgenavisen Jyllandsposten Johannes H Christensen 2015-06-11
Anmeldelse Politiken-Fonden Kim Skotte 2015-06-11
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