Together with her classmates 18-year-old Siv is on the traditional carriage ride, celebrating that they have just graduated from high school. This day ought to be the best day ever, but for Siv it is all about getting through the day without her world going to pieces. Siv lives alone with her loving and unpredictable mother, Pia, who suffers from serious alcohol abuse. Because of this Siv is dreading opening her home for the first time in three years, but Pia has promised to stay sober and be welcoming.
When the carriage full of youngsters arrive at Siv’s home, her worst fears come true. The house is empty! When Pia finally shows up, a long series of unpredictable and transgressive events unfold, and Siv must now fight to maintain not only her own dignity, but also her mother’s, in front of the entire class.
This day becomes the most important in Siv’s life – for good and bad!
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