
A Portrait of P.V. Glob

Svend Aage Lorentz, Denmark, 1968

19 min.DK/DocumentaryPortrait films

English title: PORTRAIT OF P.V. GLOB. A conversation recorded in Globs home in Mols Hills in Jutland. The interview touches upon subjects such as Globs archaeological work in Denmark, Greenland and Arab countries. Professor Glob explains his views on nature conservancy and the challenges of the National Museum in meeting future demands.
Perf. 101, roll 12: Danish archaeologist PV. Glob talks about his relation to nature, especially Mols Bjerge i Jutland. He also touches upon his own participation in Lauge Kochs famous Greenland Expeditions.
Perf. 101, roll 13: PV Glob talks about his career as an artist. He then explains why he chose to go to the Arabian Gulf, and the role of the Danish artists and writers in the expeditions. He describes how he views archaeology as international. We can only understand our own past by looking at all cultural pasts on earth.
Perf.102: PV Glob is interviewed on his views on nature conservancy. He explains how nature plays a role in his work both as scientist and artist. He talks about his relation to Greenland and Arab countries.
Roll 2: Describes the historical development of Danish-Archaeological-Bahrain-Expeditions and the road to the famous findings.
Perf.103, roll 1: PV. Glob tells about his farm Fredensdal and surrounding landscape, Aurig bakker.
Perf. 103, roll 2: PV. Glob explains his views on relation between art and science in his archaeological method.
Perf.103, roll 3: PV. Glob explains how expeditions to the Arabian Gulf not only focuses on the past. The present arab world plays an important role as well. He describes fieldwork among beduins and recordings of pearlfishermen music.
Perf. 103, roll 4:PV. Glob explains the role of the Keeper of National Antiquities and also defends the national importance of working for over a decade in the Arabian Gulf.
Basic information Credits
Original title Portræt af P.V. Glob
Danish title Portræt af P.V. Glob
Keywords Glob, P.V., Archaeology, National museum of Danmark, Nature conservation, Nature, Mols, 1960-1969
Director Svend Aage Lorentz
Director of Photography Henning Bendtsen
Editor Birthe Frost
Appearance P.V. Glob
Production country Denmark
Domestic distribution Statens Filmcentral
Technical info 547 meter, color, Sound
Danish theatrical release 09.09.1968
Cinemas Reprise Teatret indgår i et kortfilmprogram
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Production company Svend Aage Lorentz
Commissioned by Kortfilmrådet
Domestic distribution Statens Filmcentral


Direction Svend Aage Lorentz


Cinematography Henning Bendtsen


Editing Birthe Frost

Other credits

Interview Ib Rehné


Appearance P.V. Glob

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