Xenia and Mathias are both 23 years old. The couple lives in Bagsværd, a suburb to Copenhagen, and now they are expecting their first child. They are excited, but everyday life will soon take its toll on them.
Both Xenia and Mathias come from dysfunctional families and suffered severe neglect. They both had to grow up too fast, so what kind of parents will they be? They are intent on breaking the cycle of neglect, but they are up against a heavy load of baggage. For one they find it difficult to organise and clean their home. So when Xenia goes into labour prematurely at 24 weeks, and gives birth to a tiny boy, everything intensifies further. On top of multiple hospitalisations, incubators, and fear, the young couple feels under scrutiny by the social services, who is following their every attempt to become “real adults.” Xenia and Mathias just want a normal, harmonious life, but instead they have to battle the authorities, bad habits and a general lack of ability to complete even the most basic of tasks such as food shopping and cleaning.
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