
Samson and Sally

Jannik Hastrup, Denmark, 1984

62 min.DK/Short fictionChildren's films, Animation

A Jannik Hastrup animation feature based on a 1979 Bent Haller environmental story book. The film's title protagonists feel threatened by the whalehunters, who killed Sally's mother. Now they set out together to find the legendary Moby Dick for survival advice. Braving dangers like oil-slicks and dumped radioactive waste, Samson and Sally find their idol in the sunken island city of Atlantis.
Basic information Credits Materials
Original title Samson og Sally
Danish title Samson og Sally
Other titles Historien om den hvide hval, Samson & Sally
Director Jannik Hastrup
Co-director Kjeld Simonsen
Screenplay Jannik Hastrup
Based on Bent Hallers børnebog "Kaskelotternes sang" (1979).
Director of Photography Jakob Koch
Sound Jan Juhler, Peter Englesson, Knud Kristensen, Per Meinertsen
Composer Fuzzy
Production country Denmark
Domestic distribution Nordisk Film
Technical info 35 mm, Widescreen, color
Danish theatrical release 12.10.1984
Cinemas Odense, Vejle, Randers, Århus, Aalborg, Palads, BioTrio, Holstebro, Viborg, Husum
Danish festival release 22.09.2009, Husets Biograf, Buster Filmfestival for børn og unge 2009
Find more Ulrich Breuning: Spræl og fantasi. Levende Billeder 2/1985.
Danish rating Not recommended for children under 7
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Production company Dansk Tegnefilm, Nordisk Film
Domestic distribution Nordisk Film


Direction Jannik Hastrup
Co-director Kjeld Simonsen


Script Jannik Hastrup
Dialogue Jannik Hastrup
Dialogue Li Vilstrup
Dramaturge Lena Gunløgsson


Production manager Ebbe Preisler


Cinematographer Jakob Koch


Music Fuzzy


Sound Jan Juhler
Sound Peter Englesson
Sound Knud Kristensen
Sound Per Meinertsen


Samson Jesper Klein
Sally Helle Hertz
Måge Per Pallesen
Samsons mor Bodil Udsen
Samsons far Poul Thomsen
Delfin Kirsten Peüliche
Skildpadde Berthe Qvistgaard
Bardehval Claus Ryskjær
Moby Dick Preben Neergaard
Kaptajn Arhoff Ole Ernst


Animation Kjeld Simonsen
Animation Jannik Hastrup
Animation Liller Møller
Animation Georges Stoyanoff
Animation Flemming Jensen
Animation Anders Sørensen
Animation Per Tønnes Nielsen
Animation Walther Lehmann
Animation Bent Steffensen
Background designer Birthe Mac Dalland
Computer animation Per Lygum
Computer animation Søren Brink
Illustrator Søren Martinsen
Illustrator Jessie Nielsen
Illustrator Malene Vilstrup
Illustrator Suzanne Crepault
Illustrator Jette Michaelsen
Illustrator Hanne West Knudsen
Illustrator Carl Quist Møller
Illustrator Bigita Faber
Illustrator Mai Britt Hastrup
Illustrator Ditte Brink
Illustrator Vivi Bruus Jensen
Illustrator Michael Clante
Illustrator Nanna Høyrup
Illustrator Laura Ratto
Illustrator Hanne Hastrup Wernberg
Illustrator Lisbeth Kjær Jensen
Illustrator Helle Skipper
Illustrator Maria Mac Dalland

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