
The Plunge

Claus Bohm, Denmark, 2017

57 min.DK/Documentary

'The Plunge' is the story of a young Danish officer by the name of Peter de Hemmer Gudme (born 1897) and his experiences during the Finnish Civil War in 1918, and the consequences of these experiences.
It is his voice and glance which directs us into the civil war and through the years in between the two World Wars in Copenhagen to the Winter war of 1939 where he worked as a reporter and finally to the german occupation of Denmark in 1940, where Gudme volunteers in the resistance movement and is captured by Gestapo. He then commits suicide at the Gestapo Headquarters in Copenhagen in 1944. An unsolved mystery within the Danish resistance movement to this day.

The storytelling of 'The Plunge' based on facts with a script written by the Winner of the Nordic Literature Price 2014 author Kim Leine. The purpose of the film is to describe the space
between action, spirituality and intellectual reflections. What makes a man give his life for a cause? What is his ideological project? These are all relevant reflections that confront us with the bloody aesthetics of war, death and gender.
Basic information Credits
Original title Springet
Danish title Springet
Keywords Finland, Civil wars, 1910-1919, Winter War, The, 1930-1939, Denmark, World War 2, occupation, The, Resistance, The, 1940-1949, Personal history, Gudme, Peter de Hemmer
Director Claus Bohm
Screenplay Claus Bohm, Kim Leine
Producer Ulla Hjorth Nielsen
Director of Photography Steen Møller Rasmussen
Editor Jonas Wagner
Composer Ida Bach Jensen
Production country Denmark
Domestic distribution Danske Filminstitut
DFI subsidy Konsulentstøtte
Danish rating Allowed for children over the age of 11
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Production company
Executive Producer Filmforsyningen
With support from Det Danske Filminstitut
Domestic distribution Danske Filminstitut


Direction Claus Bohm
Consultant Søren Sørensen
Visual director Anders Østergaard


Screenplay Claus Bohm
Screenplay Kim Leine
Story and research Niels Olaf Gudme
Historical consultant Søren Sørensen


Producer Ulla Hjorth Nielsen
Research Jonas Wagner
Research Ulla Hjorth Nielsen


Cinematographer Steen Møller Rasmussen


Editor Jonas Wagner
Editing supervisor Kasper Schyberg
Editing supervisor Ghita Beckendorff


Composer Ida Bach Jensen


Sound Tom Jørgensen

Visual effects

Colourist Michael Høyen


Post animation Svend Johansen
Animation Jonas Wagner


Narrator Jesper Christensen

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