
Stories We Tell

Sarah Polley, Canada, 2012

108 min.Documentary

Basic information Credits Materials
Original title Stories We Tell
Danish title Stories We Tell
Director Sarah Polley
Screenplay Sarah Polley
Producer Anita Lee
Director of Photography Iris Ng
Editor Mike Munn
Composer Jonathan Goldsmith
Production designer Lea Carlson
Appearance Diane Polley, Michael Polley, Sarah Polley
Production country Canada
Domestic distribution Angel Films, DOXBIO
Danish theatrical release 03.04.2013
Cinemas Vester Vov Vov, Reprise Teatret, Grand, Ishøj Bio, Park Bio, Glostrup Bio, Bio Viften (Rødovre), Empire, Bibliografen (Bagsværd) Samt 41 biografer i provinsen, inkl. Færøerne og Grønland. Efter premieredagen onsdag 3. april fortsætter filmen i bla.: Holte: Reprisen, Kolding: Nicolai Bio, Kbh: Grand Teatret, Dagmar, Empire bio, Vester Vov Vov, Århus: Øst for Paradis og Metropol, Odense: Cafebiografen, Aalborg: Biffen
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Production company National Film Board of Canada
Domestic distribution Angel Films, DOXBIO


Direction Sarah Polley


Script Sarah Polley


Producer Anita Lee


Cinematography Iris Ng


Editing Mike Munn


Music Jonathan Goldsmith

Production design

Production design Lea Carlson


Appearance Diane Polley
Appearance Michael Polley
Appearance Sarah Polley

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Reviews and articles

On the library you can find these articles and revies and other material about the film.
Type Source Author Date
Anmeldelse Weekendavisen Bo Green Jensen 2013-04-05
Anmeldelse Information Lars Movin 2013-04-04
Anmeldelse Ekstra Bladet Henrik Queitsch 2013-04-03
Anmeldelse Kristeligt Dagblad Soeren Hermansen 2013-04-03
Anmeldelse Morgenavisen Jyllandsposten Nanna Frank Rasmussen 2013-04-03
Anmeldelse Politiken-Fonden Kim Skotte 2013-04-03
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