In the third instalment of Jannik Hastrup's animation trilogy (see also "Trællene", 1978, and "Trællenes oprør", 1979) we have moved up through history to the year 1633, when an unwed mother is burned at the stake, while the child's father is fined a minor amount of money; to the year 1742 when two young orphans are sentenced to hard labor for begging; and to 1860 when a young girl flees the employ of a murderous midwife.
Basic informationCreditsMaterials
Original title
Trællenes børn
Danish title
Trællenes børn
Other titles
Trællenes børn 7 - Credentia, Trællenes børn 8 - Flugten fra spindehuset, Trællenes børn 9 - Englefabrikken
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