

Stephen Daldry, United Kingdom, 2014

114 min.Feature

Basic information Credits Materials
Original title Trash
Danish title Trash
Director Stephen Daldry
Appearance Rooney Mara, Martin Sheen, Wagner Moura
Production country United Kingdom, Brazil
Domestic distribution United International Pictures
Danish theatrical release 04.12.2014
Cinemas Dagmar, Palads og CinemaxX i København, Kinopalæet i Lyngby, Gentofte Kino, CinemaxX og Metropol i Århus, NFB i Ålborg, NFB i Odense, Holbæk, Sønderborg, Værløse og Års
Danish rating Allowed for children over the age of 11
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Production company O2 Filmes
Domestic distribution United International Pictures


Direction Stephen Daldry


Stills Dan Behr


Olivia Rooney Mara
Father Juilliard Martin Sheen
José Angelo Wagner Moura

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Reviews and articles

On the library you can find these articles and revies and other material about the film.
Type Source Author Date
Anmeldelse Berlingske Tidende Louise Kidde Sauntved 2014-12-04
Anmeldelse Ekstra Bladet Henrik Queitsch 2014-12-04
Anmeldelse Kristeligt Dagblad Henrik Wivel 2014-12-04
Anmeldelse Morgenavisen Jyllandsposten Nanna Frank Rasmussen 2014-12-04
Anmeldelse Politiken-Fonden Kim Skotte 2014-12-04
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