
Tro og politik

29 min.DK/DocumentaryDevelopment aid films

In the poor suburb of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil works the people of the Church, trying to improve the living standards. The church provides a framework for an awareness that can be used in the fight against the social violence that the government and authority exercises.
Basic information Credits
Original title Tro og politik
Danish title Tro og politik
Other titles The Journey
Keywords Social conditions, Churches, Brazil, 1980-1989
Director Kristian Paludan, Peter Flemington
Screenplay Kristian Paludan, Peter Flemington
Production country Denmark
Domestic distribution Statens Filmcentral
Danish rating Allowed for all
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Production company Folkekirkens Nødhjælp
Domestic distribution Statens Filmcentral


Direction Kristian Paludan
Direction Peter Flemington


Script Kristian Paludan
Script Peter Flemington

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