
Veronica's veil

Jytte Rex, Denmark, 1977

77 min.DK/Experimental

Jytte Rex charts the white or wilfully deleted spots on the map of primarily women's happiness and grief. This is done by the experimental filmmaker's positioning of a dream narrator as a guide through the manyleveled visions, stories and pictures that unite work, love, and revolt in any individual's life. The title refers to the cloth or veil on which crucified Christ's tormented face left an imprint for posterity.
Basic information Credits Materials
Original title Veronicas svededug
Danish title Veronicas svededug
Director Jytte Rex
Screenplay Jytte Rex
Producer Jytte Rex
Director of Photography Dirk Brüel, Jytte Rex
Editor Grete Møldrup
Sound Jytte Rex, Dino Raymond Hansen, Christian Braad Thomsen
Composer Bob Dylan
Appearance Helle Ryslinge, Elli Rex, Clemens Hildebrandt, Helga Bjørnelund
Production country Denmark
Domestic distribution Kollektiv Film, Statens Filmcentral
Technical info 16 mm, Normal, color, Sound
Danish theatrical release 11.11.1977
Cinemas Biografen i Huset
Find more Christian Braad Thomsen: Kniplersken og terroristen - dansk film i dag. "Dansk film. Sophienholm", red. Stig Brøgger m.fl. Lyngby-Taarbæk Kommune 1981, s. 119-127.
Anne-Marie Søderberg: Myter og modbilleder. Tendenser i nogle danske kvindefilm efter 1970. "Levende billeder af Danmark", red. Anders Troelsen. Medusa 1980, s. 401-445.
Johs. H. Christensen og Poul Einer Hansen: Foran kameraet bliver ethvert menneske ualmindeligt. Levende Billeder 7/1977.
Hellen Lassen: Veronicas svededug. Levende Billeder 2/1978.
Lone Skovgaard: Rex-billeder. Levende Billeder 3/1985.. Statens kortfilm. Statens kortfilm
Danish rating Allowed for children over the age of 12
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Production company Jytte Rex Film, Kollektiv Film, Statens Filmcentral
With support from Det Danske Filminstitut
Domestic distribution Kollektiv Film, Statens Filmcentral


Direction Jytte Rex


Script Jytte Rex


Producer Jytte Rex
Production manager Nina Crone


Cinematography Dirk Brüel
Cinematography Jytte Rex


Editing Grete Møldrup


Music Bob Dylan


Sound Jytte Rex
Sound Dino Raymond Hansen
Sound Christian Braad Thomsen


Appearance Helle Ryslinge
Appearance Elli Rex
Appearance Clemens Hildebrandt
Appearance Helga Bjørnelund
Appearance Eileen Hansen
Appearance Inge Eriksen
Appearance Lena Schmidt
Appearance Margit Rosenthal
Appearance Ny Lotz
Appearance Eva Gleerup
Appearance Søren Elung Jensen
Appearance Lise Vesterskov
Appearance Jens Højbjerg
Appearance Per Frederiksen
Appearance Grethe Hausbøl
Appearance Harry Rønsholt

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