
Harald Madsen

(1890 – 1949)

Clown, actor and circus director. Born 20/11 1890 (Harald Martin Bergman Madsen, known as Miehe-Madsen and Patachon), deceased 13/7 1949 - 58 years old. Married to Anna Ingeborg Helga Sandberg (born in Oslo).

In the 1920s and early 30s, Pat and Patachon – Carl Schenstrøm and Harald Madsen respectively – became a trademark for Danish film. Palladium and Lau Lauritzen achieved great international success with the comedic duo, now also known as Fyrtårnet og Bivognen, Fyrtårnet och Släpvagnen, Long and Short, and Wat and Half-Wat.

Following the death of Patachon in 1949, the couple was very aptly characterized in the paper Nationaltidende: "When the two first came walking hand in hand, on an endless country road that continued from the screen right into the audience room, it was something completely new (...) The films also had an easy-to-understand moral, and both adults and children sympathized with the nice little "Patachon", which not only fared so pitifully badly in the conflicts with the harsh, calculating world, but was also constantly held down by his own vagabond companion, the sane, lecturing "Pat ", completely oblivious to his own comical nature, thinking it was Patachon’s fault every time the pair was ridiculed. In this interplay between the self-righteous, domineering comic figure and the humble little helper, who, out of sheer eagerness to excuse his existence, does the most uncontrollable stupidities, lay the idea of the couple Pat and Patachon".

In the world of the circus, Miehe-Madsen began as a contortionist, trapeze artist and rider, then clown with August Miehe and culminated as circus director after the conclusion of his film career in 1934.

He made his film debut in Sweden in 1917 in the role of candidate Lampe in Mauritz Stiller's 'Alexander the Great', but continued to work in the circus. One evening, Lau Lauritzen and Palladium's director Svend Nielsen sat in the stands, and they were convinced that Miehe-Madsen was their true Patachon. In addition to the Danish Pat and Patachon films, Harald Madsen and Carl Schenstrøm also recorded their vagabond films abroad, i.e. Sweden, Germany, Austria and the United Kingdom.

Harald Madsen suffered from periods of compulsive thoughts and the final years of his life were affected by illness.

Literature: Hauke Lange-Fuchs (red.): Pat und Patachon (Tyskland, 1979). Marguerite Engberg: Fy & Bi (1980). Lars Jakobsen: Fyrtårnet og Bivognen (2002).
Filmography Music
Title Year Function Category
Lutter løjer 1957 Appearance Anthology
Fuld af Fiduser 1956 Appearance Anthology
Fy og Bi på Eventyr 1955 Bivognen Anthology
Glade dage 1954 Appearance Anthology
Her er vi igen 1952 Appearance Anthology
Calle og Palle 1948 Palle DK/Feature
I de gode gamle Dage 1940 Bivognen DK/Feature
Bleka Greven 1937 Appearance Feature
Pat und Patachon im Paradies 1937 Appearance Feature
Blinde Passagiere 1936 Appearance Feature
Mädchenräuber 1936 Appearance Feature
Knox und die lustigen Vagabonden 1935 Appearance Feature
In the Army 1932 Bivognen DK/Feature
Lumpenkavaliere 1932 Bivognen Feature
He, She and Hamlet 1932 Bi, havemand på pigeskole DK/Feature
Pat and Patachon Invent the Gunpowder 1931 Bivognen DK/Feature
William Tell and Son 1930 Bivognen DK/Feature
Beware of the Girls 1930 Bivognen DK/Feature
1000 Worte Deutsch 1930 Patachon Feature
Clever Cannibals 1929 Bivognen DK/Feature
Maharadjans magiska mattstump 1929 Alf Feature
Detectives 1929 Bivognen, avissælger DK/Feature
The Mannequins 1929 Bivognen DK/Feature
Cocktails 1928 Bi, vagabond Feature
The Film Heroes 1928 Bivognen DK/Feature
The King of Pelicania 1928 Bivognen, sminkøren DK/Feature
Strength and Beauty 1928 Bivognen DK/Feature
At the North Sea 1927 Bivognen DK/Feature
The Thunderstones 1927 Bivognen DK/Feature
Die Schwiegersöhne 1926 Appearance Feature
Ebberöds Bank 1926 Petter Vipperup, skrædder Feature
Lykkehjulet 1926 Bivognen DK/Feature
The demon boxer 1926 Bivognen DK/Feature
Don Quixote 1926 Sancho Panza DK/Feature
The Wolf Hunters 1926 Bivognen, ulvejægere DK/Feature
Polis Paulus' Påskasmäll 1925 Paulus Storm, politimester Feature
Millionaires 1925 Bivognen DK/Feature
The Bilberries 1925 Bivognen DK/Feature
Zwei Vagabunden im Prater 1925 Bivognen Feature
Luck 1924 Bivognen DK/Feature
The smugglers 1924 Bivognen DK/Feature
At the Mediterranian 1924 Bivognen DK/Feature
The Mill 1924 Bivognen DK/Feature
Lodgers of Seventh Heaven 1923 Bivognen, sprællemandsfabrikant DK/Feature
Can Love be Cured? 1923 Bivognen DK/Feature
The Refound Daughter 1923 Bivognen, omrejsende fotograf DK/Feature
The Run Away Bride 1923 Bivognen DK/Feature
We're Coming Back 1922 Appearance DK/Commercial
He, She, and Hamlet 1922 Bivognen, havemand på pigeskole DK/Feature
Among Merry Musicians 1922 Bivognen, lirekassemand DK/Feature
Landligger - Idyl - Vandgang 1922 Bivognen DK/Feature
Sunshine, Summer and Students 1922 Bivognen DK/Feature
The Film and the Flirt 1921 Bivognen DK/Feature
Alexander den store 1917 Teodor Lampe, teologisk kandidat Feature