
John D. Jensen

Filmography Music
Title Year Function Category

As Victor Skaarup

Title Year Function Category
The Rescuers 1977 Translation Feature
Robin Hood 1973 Translation Feature
The Aristocats 1970 Translation: 1971-version Feature
Gensyn med Danmark 1964 Voiceover DK/Documentary
The duel 1962 Lyrics DK/Feature
Reptilicus 1961 Lyrics Feature
One Hundred and One Dalmatians 1960 Lyrics: Danish version Feature
Sleeping Beauty 1959 Lyrics: Danish version Feature
Andre folks børn 1958 Lyrics DK/Feature
Far til fire og onkel Sofus 1957 Lyrics DK/Feature
Tre piger fra Jylland 1957 Lyrics DK/Feature
Færgekroen 1956 Lyrics DK/Feature
Arvingen 1954 Lyrics DK/Feature
Fløjtespilleren 1953 Lyrics DK/Feature
Far til fire 1953 Lyrics DK/Feature
Det store løb 1952 Lyrics DK/Feature
Det gamle guld 1951 Lyrics DK/Feature
Mosekongen 1950 Lyrics DK/Feature
The tinder box 1946 Lyrics DK/Feature
Panik i Familien 1945 Script DK/Feature
Op med Humøret 1943 Music DK/Feature
Bambi 1942 Lyrics: Danish version, 1970 Feature
Dumbo 1941 Lyrics Feature
Music Year Film Function
Når jeg sidder og malker "Marie" 1959 Soldaterkammerater rykker ud Songwriter